Tuesday, July 9, 2024

State of our stock markets today

The state of our stock markets today, resemble to the state as prevailing during December 2007, when it kept gaining new heights, with every passing day, and for no valid reason.

A year later, that is in November 2008, a headline in 'The Economic Times' read, "Don't buy a burger, buy a blue-chip instead." This summarized the depths to which our stock markets had sunk, post the collapse of 'Lehman Brothers', leading to severe financial crisis due to lack of confidence in the financial system.

Let's hope and pray that such history doesn't repeat itself now, even for different reasons. There are headwinds, especially by way of the forthcoming Presidential elections in the US, and fingers are crossed regarding the policies of the next government, irrespective of the political party in power. Trade policies and commitment to climate change are the two key areas which would be closely watched. It's ramifications would be felt around the world.

Similarly, with stalemate continuing in the Middle East, one can't be too sure if Israel gets too aggressive in getting it's hostages released from the captivity of Hamas, which can only worsen the situation.

And so on....

Let's hope and pray for the best 😊

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