Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tata Coffee's 'Grand premium' brand

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‘The Times of India’ edition on the 1st of October was a real surprise. It emitted an amazing aroma of coffee, powerful enough to induce proper alertness right away, especially in an avid early morning newspaper reader like me.

On what was supposed to be an “International Coffee” day, ‘Tata Coffee’ had launched it’s “Grand Premium” brand. Besides a prominent ad of the same on the front page, the “aroma induced newspaper” was powerful enough to grab the immediate attention of any of it’s readers, none of whom would have failed to notice and adequately register the ad in their minds.

Yet another brilliant example indeed, of what may be called “Surprise Marketing”.

The launch of “Grand Premium” brand was registered very effectively in every reader’s mind, and easy brand recall was never in doubt.  But, as public memory is proverbially short, it is likely to fade way from memory soon, making way for powerful brands like ‘Nescafe’ and ‘Bru’, which perhaps enjoy a better “top-of-the-mind” recall among the consumers.

If ‘Tata Coffee’ intends to position “Grand Premium”, as it’s flagship brand, then besides enabling the potential consumers to “hear the sound of special flavor locked decoction crystals that lock in the flavor to give you a great aroma and taste” by shaking the bottle, they will need to find a real disruptive idea, to create a unique brand value in the coffee segment.

How about combining the benefits of caffeine which enables alertness, along-with those of some key health aiding ingredients to enable their benefits as well in the product, thereby enabling these twin-benefits to consumers of “Grand Premium”?

Students, busy executives, business fraternity, and other such working professionals, who generally need coffee to put in those long hours, could be the among the right target audience. Besides, those who have to exert themselves both mentally and physically during their jobs, could also be among the intended target audience.

That, such a unique product would need considerable amount of R&D, is undoubted, but what is obvious is the kind of brand value which "Grand Premium" brand in particular, and ‘Tata Coffee’ company in general could get, if such an idea is successfully tested and effectively marketed. 😊

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