Monday, December 7, 2020

Re-imagining Facebook

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My vision is to re-imagine 'Facebook' by making it the ‘first port of call’ for anyone seeking help, such as:


  • An individual seeking employment opportunities, or fame, or recognition,


  • Start-ups desirous of reaching out to potential investors or customer base in a highly cost effective manner, or


  • Businesses seeking to reach out to their intended target audience through focused communication strategies etc.


This can be accomplished through some strategic initiatives, such as:


  • Re-imagining recognitions and appreciations on one’ posts which currently are generally limited to ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ or ‘shares’ through one’s own circle of friends on Facebook. Let’s create a “Hall of Fame” on Facebook, where certain individuals or groups who have surpassed certain standards in their respective fields are granted recognition on this coveted platform,


  • Re-imagining interactions in this platform which currently are limited to one’s circle of friends, except perhaps comments on certain news items by reputed publications. Let’s allow any worthwhile post to be accessed by even those who are not a part of one’s friend circle by creating a section where some worthy posts can be placed and viewed by any one who is interested. Certainly, this can facilitate interactions between those who are not connected to each other on Facebook,


  • Re-imagining motivations to post something meaningful on this platform. Going beyond the number of ‘likes’ ‘comments’ or perhaps ‘shares’ of one’s posts from one’s own circle of friends. This unfortunately has started yielding diminishing returns, as it has been observed that some members have either reduced the frequency of their visits to Facebook or have discontinued their Facebook account altogether. As mentioned above, let’s allow any worthwhile post to be accessed by even those who are not a part of one’s friend circle by creating a section where some worthy posts can be placed and viewed by any one who is interested. Certainly, this can facilitate interactions between those who are not connected to each other on Facebook which can be an important motivator,


  • Re-imagining the way businesses connect with their target audience. For example, by organizing contests on Facebook by such businesses, to guage extent of awareness or familiarity of sample of their target audience, their feelers, opinions, perceptions etc. with regard to the products/services of such businesses.  Attractive prizes could be sponsored for those members who offer useful insights and suggestions to such businesses,


  • Re-imagining hiring techniques by some of the progressive corporates. For example by organizing contests on Facebook to guage the analytical abilities and attitudes of their potential talent pool. Such identified talent can serve as a valuable resource pool  for such progressive corporates who can be considered at an appropriate time, and


  • Re-imagining talent contests for the entertainment industry on similar lines as above.


More of such innovative ideas can be deliberated upon.