Saturday, January 11, 2025

Something for the CEOs

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CEOs need to realize that behind every 'Star Performer' in their respective organizations, there are their respective family members as well, who do everything possible at their end, so that such "Star Performers" are able to put in their best while at work.

It's time, due importance and possible and care is given to such family members as well, by such organizations, which are fortunate enough to have such great talent on their respective rolls.

Secondly, we need to redefine the concept of 'hard work'. Is it mere physical presence at workplace, or being connected via online technologies, for 'punishing' number of hours, or is it to be judged by the results delivered, and all other efforts made, irrespective of the number of hours put in?

Finally, CEO's also need to delve into another vital aspect, which has a direct bearing on the overall health of their respective organizations. And that is, are most of their human resources, if not all, really putting in their 100%, and have indeed 'unleashed their respective animal spirits' while at work, or are just ensuing, that their respective 'chins are above water', and are desperately looking for better opportunities elsewhere?

It's time, that such thoughts now find their way into corporate governance as well, because these ultimately impact the valuations of any organization, and their respective bottom-lines and share prices as well. 😊