Saturday, January 9, 2010

Are We So Insensitive and Selfish?

The TV visuals of a decorated cop R. Vetrivel - a member of the team that gunned down Verrappan in 2004, bleeding profusely and crying for help, before succumbing to his injuries, should stir the conscious of every individual of this country.

What is really disgusting is the fact that two ministers and their covoy who were a witness to this tragedy, did not have that much of sense to rush him immediately to a nearby hospital, where he might have been saved.

To have expected such a maganimity from our political class is like expecting the moon, but then what holds us back from such moral obligations of ours ?? The convoy had some other individuals as well, who could have acted in time and made that critical effort, which might have made all the difference.

We are the ones to expect the world out of our valiant fellow citizens, who have joined the security forces, as and when our lives and property are threatened, but then how many amongst us even have that much of virtue in us to reciprocate our moral obligations to these very fellow citizens of ours, when they need our help???

The late R. Vetrivel was no one of ours, so let him fade into oblivion while we get going with our respective lives, and keeping our hopes and expectations high as ever from these very fellow citizens of ours.

But then dear friends, just pause to reflect, what would be our feelings if one of our own loved one, faces the same tragic end as Vetrivel, all due to the fact that no one even bothered to have made that critical effort to save him ???

I shudder to even think about it.


diwaker deepak said...

sir,even this worthy article from you would not be an eye-opener for the people whose soul rests in the grave. i myself feel such a shame unworthy of sharing it with subhuman souls. despite all of this, we'll keep trying unto no limits.

Navneet Dhawan's compositions said...

Hi Diwaker, I am happy that at least you have that conscience which cries for someone in distress. Even if there are a handful individuals like you, there is hope for us. Best Wishes